A Testing Tool Visualizing and Ensuring Data-Flow Coverage

According to different studies, data-flow coverage is more effective in exposing errors than common
control-flow metrics. However, there are not many suitable and available data-flow analysis tools.
This report illustrates the technical details of the implementation of Dacite (Data-flow Coverage for
Imperative Testing). Dacite is an open-source tool able to dynamically derive the covered data flow of
a given Java program and its JUnit test cases. Using the Language Server Protocol, it visualizes the

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An Efficient Implementation of a Runtime for Constraint-Logic Object-Oriented Programming

In this technical report the symbolic execution engine ’Mulib’ will be outlined in its architecture, main algorithms, and design decisions. Mulib employs a rather new approach of program transformation (see Section 2) and thus, technical details on the implementation of such a system are thought to be insightful. Mulib first and foremost implements the runtime semantics of the Constraint-Logic Object-Oriented  programming (CLOOP) language Muli [18]. Muli employs symbolic execution [11] as a technique to, e.g., solve constraint-satisfaction problems and generate test cases [19, 55].

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Data-Flow Analysis of BPMN-Based Process-Driven Applications: Detecting Anomalies across Model and Code

Process-Driven Applications (PDA) combine Business Process Management and less-code approaches. They are typically based on executable process models, human tasks, and adapter code to external software services. Process data is shared across these artifacts, managed by a process engine. Therefore process engineers and programmers must ensure the correct data flow within these components, but also in between. However, previous approaches have only considered the data-flow analysis of those components separately.

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Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management: Identification of main Research Fields and greatest Industry Interests

Advances in the area of computing power, data storage capabilities, etc., are changing the way business is done, particularly regarding how businesses use and apply artificial intelligence. To better understand how artificial intelligence is used in supply chain management, this paper identifies and compares the main research fields investigating this topic as well as the primary industry interests in it.

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IT/IS Strategy Research and Digitalization: An Extensive Literature Review

IT/IS strategy is of central importance to practice and many well-developed lines of research have contributed to our understanding of IT/IS strategy. However, throughout the last decade, digitalization has fundamentally transformed the business world and put into question traditional strategy wisdom. As information technologies are the driver of this digital transformation, we can expect an even more fundamental change in IT/IS strategy thinking. To verify this expectation, we undertook an in-depth, extensive review of the academic literature on this topic.

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Patient Portals in German Hospitals – Status Quo and Quo Vadis

The health care sector in Germany has become increasingly important in the scientific field of information systems over the last decades. This development has been reinforced by the demographic change and, more recently, by the current Covid-19 pandemic. Irrespective of the field of work and application, digital interface processes, data acquisition, data exchange, as well as data preparation, analysis, and correct archiving are undoubtedly gaining in importance.

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Free Objects in Constraint-logic Object-oriented Programming

Constraint-logic object-oriented programming is useful in the integrated development of business software that occasionally solves constraint-logic problems. So far, work in constraint-logic objectoriented programming was limited to considering constraints that only involve logic variables of primitive types; in particular, boolean, integer, and floating-point numbers. However, the availability of object-oriented features calls for the option to use logic variables in lieu of objects as well. Therefore, support for reference-type logic variables (or free objects) is required.

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How Digitalization Drives the IT/IS Strategy Agenda

Throughout the last decade, digitalization has fundamentally transformed the business world and put into question traditional strategy wisdom. As (digital) information technologies (IT) are the drivers of this transformation, we can expect it to have an even more profound influence on IT/IS strategy thinking. While several scholars have acknowledged the fundamental changes induced by digitalization on the conceptual level, research on emerging IT/IS strategy contents is still missing.

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