ERCIS Master Theses Series
In 2024 we established a new publication option for excellent master’s theses within the network, the “ERCIS Master Theses Series.”
Each thesis published as ERCIS master thesis…
- is an excellent thesis, nominated by the supervisor,
- deals with a relevant topic within the field of Information Systems,
- is assigned its own DOI, making it an official publication,
- is eventually being indexed in relevant directories, including e.g. Google Scholar.
With this series, we want to give our excellent students in the network the opportunity to publish outstanding work and contribute to its dissemination.
An overview of all published theses can be found here:

How to publish
The publication process usually takes approx. four weeks and is rather straight forward: A nomination comes along with
- the thesis as PDF, simply the way it has been submitted, stripped from any personal data (i.e., email address, home address, phone number),
- a laudation text from the nominator (~400 words),
- a consent form signed by the student, providing the publication server of the University of Münster with the non-exclusive right to publish the thesis, as well as the licence the author requests the thesis to be published in,
- a video (~3 minutes) of the author, briefly presenting the thesis (see here for inspiration).
We will add a cover page to the thesis and fill in the details like the URN and DOI.
If you would like to nominate a thesis, please use the form linked here.
If you have any questions beyond this, please feel free to contact us via our contact form.
ERCIS Master Thesis Award
Out of all published ERCIS Master Thesis throughout a year, one will be awarded with the ERCIS Master Thesis Award. Winners of this award are invited to the ECIS conference of the year to come, getting the opportunity to meet fellow network members during the ERCIS@ECIS reception.